ZIP        Create or add to a zip archive

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[ zip name ] [ file ] [ /options ]


[ zip name ]

A variable or string defining the file name of the zip archive; if .zip extension is omitted, Robo-FTP adds it automatically; if no folder is specified, Robo-FTP creates or opens the archive in its working folder.


[ file ]

A variable or string defining the folder or file name(s) to add to the zip archive; if no path name is specified, Robo-FTP assumes [ file ] is in the current working folder.



Select the compression mode for the zip archive; options are /compress=none (files are stored in the zip archive but not compressed); /compress=fast (archive file is created as quickly as possible but file may not be as small as it could be); /compress=normal; /compress=max (archive file is made as small as possible but may take longer to create).



Create a new zip archive each time; any existing archive file named [ zip name ] will be deleted and recreated.



Select the encryption method.  The default encryption method is XEM compatible.  You can also specify /encryption=AES to use AES encrypion.  AES offers a more secure algorithm, though it can increase the time it takes to compress the file.  Also /encryption=none can be used to designate no encryption.  Note that the encryption setting is ignored if no password is specified.



Save the fully qualified path or folder names of files as they are stored in the zip archive.



Define a password to protect the files added to the the zip archive.



Add files in subfolders beneath [ zip name ] to the zip archive; [ zip name ] must be a folder or a path containing a wildcard pattern for this option to be accepted.



This script command creates a zip archive file from the file or files. A new archive file may be created each time or file(s) may be added to an existing archive. Robo-FTP is compatible with the 64-bit zip algorithm, and as such can create zip archives with a theoretical limit of 18 million terrabytes.


Upon completion of the command, the %zipcount script variable contains the total number of files zipped by this command.


Consider the following example in which a single file is zipped into a new archive. The resulting archive file is named and is located in Robo-FTP’s working folder.


ZIP "zipfile" "mydata.xml" /create


The following example adds another file to the same archive.


ZIP "zipfile" "mydata2.xml"


The example below adds all the .xml files in Robo-FTP’s working folder to an existing password protected archive.


ZIP "zipfile" "*.xml" /pw=mysecret


The example below adds all the .xml files in Robo-FTP’s working folder and in any subfolders to an existing archive. Relative path names of any files found in subfolders are saved in the archive.


ZIP "zipfile" "*.xml" /subdirs


The example below stores (but does not compress) all the files in Robo-FTP’s working folder and in any subfolders in a new archive. Relative path names of any files found in subfolders are saved in the archive.


ZIP "c:\temp\" "*.*" /subdirs /compress=none /create


Related Command(s): UNZIP, WORKINGDIR