Using Shortcut Target Arguments in Script Files

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Robo-FTP permits arguments defined on a Shortcut Target line to be passed in at load time to be used as script file variables. Up to nine arguments are supported. There are nine internally defined variables, %1 through %9, dedicated for this purpose.


On the Shortcut Target line an argument is delimited by either & or %. The following are example arguments:



%different argument%


The first argument, reading left to right, is assigned to variable %1, the second argument is assigned to %2, and so on. For example, consider the following Shortcut Target command line.


"Robo-FTP.exe"  &"My Connection"&  &SENDFILE "newdata"&


With such a Shortcut Target line, the following script file:







would be executed as if it was originally written as:


DIALNET "My Connection"

SENDFILE "newdata"