Robo-FTP Console Window

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The main Robo-FTP window is shown below. There you will find the main menu and numerous toolbar buttons to control the execution of your script files. Click on a menu item to explore the Robo-FTP menu system or click on a button to read a short description of its function.




To run an unattended session using Robo-FTP, create a script file specific to your needs with the Script File Wizard. You may also customize one of the sample script files or create one of your own using the Robo-EDIT Script File Editor (which can be launched directly from within Robo-FTP). If you prefer a different text editor, you can configure Robo-FTP accordingly.


You may load Robo-FTP and click the open file button to specify the script file to run. Otherwise create a shortcut to Robo-FTP and add the -s<file name> switch to the command line to specify the name of your script file. Double click on the Robo-FTP shortcut icon to run Robo-FTP with your script file.

Script Language

Script File Wizard

Robo-FTP Client Applet