Built In Steps

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A bundle of built-in steps provides all the functionality that most organizations require:


Compress creates zip files.


Decompress unzips files from several formats.


Decrypt decrypts PGP encrypted data.


DeleteFiles removes local files.


Deliver outputs a file to an accessible path.


Encrypt encrypts data using PGP.


Execute launches an external program


FTPName renames files on a remote site.


Monitor watches an accessible path name for files to process.


Name changes the name of files.


Notify sends an email.


PostFile submits files to a remote HTTP or HTTPS server


Pull monitors a remote server for files to process.


Push copies files to a remote server.


Retrieval monitors a remote server for file deletion.


RunJob executes an existing Framework Job.


SQLQuery executes an SQL statement.


Validate validates file contents.


Whitelist excludes files from being processed by subsequent steps.


Note: These steps are simply Robo-FTP scripts which you can use as templates to define your own custom steps.