Configurator: Command Line Switches

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The Configurator program makes it easy to modify Robo-FTP configuration settings. By default, the type of settings modified by the Configurator depend on the maximum authority of the user that launched it. Shared settings are modified when a user with local administrator privileges runs the program. If a regular user without administrator privileges runs the Configurator, it will modify only the current user's settings.


The -tu command line switch allows local administrators to override the default behavior to modify settings in their own user profile instead of modifying shared settings:


 Configurator.exe -tu


The -tu switch does not not change the level of the current user's security access so non-administrative users cannot use them to gain access that would otherwise be denied. Only users with write access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE are administrators for the purpose of modifying shared settings.



When an administrator uses the -tu switch to configure private setting those changes will not be visible they launch Configurator without the -tu switch but they will be available when that administrator executes script commands. For example, if the administrator creates a private Managed Site record named "TheBank" that record will not be visible when Configurator is launched without the -tu switch but the record will be used if that same administrator executes a command like FTPLOGON "TheBank" in a command script or in the main console window.



Import Settings Window

Configurator.exe has an optional Import Settings mode that can be invoked from the command line. By default, the destination for settings imported by the Configurator depend on the maximum authority of the user that launched it. Settings are imported as shared settings when imported by a user with local administrator privileges.  Settings are user-specific when imported by a non-administrator. The (All Users) in the title bar at the top of the Import Settings window indicates that imported settings will be shared to all users.


Adding the -h switch to the Configurator.exe command line launches the Import Settings dialog window and lists all possible settings that could be imported.


 Configurator.exe -h


If the current user is an administrator with some user-specific settings the Import Settings window might look like this:




An administrator may combine the -h and -tu command line switches to import values into their own user-specific settings instead of sharing them will all users. The (Current User) in the title bar at the top of the Import Settings window below indicates that imported settings will be private to the current user.


 Configurator.exe -h -tu




Combining the -h switch with -su causes the Import Settings window to only offer user specific settings to be imported. The (All Users) in the Import Settings title bar below indicates that the current user is an administrator and that the imported user-specific settings will now be shared to all users. This can be useful if you want to condense various user-specific values back into one common set of shared settings.


 Configurator.exe -h -su




Non-administrative users can only import their user-specific settings from previous versions of Robo-FTP into user-specific settings in the current version. Administrators can use the following combination of command line switches to achieve the same behavior: -h -su -tu


 Configurator.exe -h -su -tu





Silent Settings Import

A network administrator may wish to import settings silently for multiple Windows users, perhaps via a logon script that runs when users log in to Windows. The -i switch may be used together with a version identifier string to specify a specific version of the settings to be imported silently. The string must exactly match the text that would normally appear in the Import Settings window. The data is imported without displaying any form when this command line switch is used.


 Configurator.exe -i "Robo-FTP 3.7(All Users)"


The -tu command line switch may also be added to force the imported settings into the user-specific settings for users with administrator privileges.



See also: Robo-FTP command line switches, User Settings vs. Shared Settings