User Home Folders

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User Home Folders

The Home Folder is the initial working directory presented to the user immediately after authentication. Users are only able to view files or folders that are at or below their Home Folder in your computer's directory structure, except by means of a Virtual Folder.




Rooted Under

This determines the root directory. The individual user's directory is placed below this root directory. If set to Server Root, the root directory is set according to the value of Root Folder on the FTP Server or SFTP Server page. This depends on which protocol the user logs in with. If Rooted Under is instead set to AD Home Directory, the Home Folder is set to the value assigned to the account in Active Directory. The AD Home Directory option is only available when using Windows Authentication.



This specifies the subdirectory immediately below the root directory. When combined with the Rooted Under directory, it determines the actual Home Folder presented to the user. The default name of the Home Folder subdirectory is the same as the User Name and the default location is a subdirectory of the Server Root folder. You may configure a user's Home Folder to match the Server Root or any folder below the Server Root. Leave Subdirectory empty to use the Server Root itself as the user's home directory. User accounts with Windows Authentication may also be configured so that their Home Folder is the same as their Active Directory Home Directory (when Rooted Under is set to AD Home Directory). For user accounts with Windows Group Authentication, the Home Folder defaults to their username in a subdirectory of the server root. This is shown as the macro $USERNAME.


A Virtual Folder may be used to set an individual user account's initial working directory to a folder outside the Server Root. If you need to change the initial working directory for all users, simply change the Server Root on the FTP Server and/or SFTP Server menus. When a user logs in after the Server Root is changed, Robo-FTP Server will attempt to recreate the user's Home Folder if it does not already exist under the new Server Root folder.



See also: FTP Server, SFTP Server, Virtual Folders