Getting Started

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ServiceManagement After installing Robo-FTP Server you must first start the Robo-FTP Server Console from the installer or the start menu. The Server Console is a tray application that talks to the Robo-FTP server through a DCOM interface. It requires the Robo-FTP Server service to be running to operate. The first time you start it the service will not be installed or running. It will tell you that the service must be installed and running to use the console. It will then take you to the Service Management page where you can manage the service. Here you can install the service in the way the suits your organization best. You can select the startup type of manual or automatic. For most situations Automatic will be the choice you want. It is the default so you can generally leave the Startup Type alone. You can also set the account the service runs as. The default of Network Service is fine for most setups. Note: Do Not use Local System or Local Service and expect that the server will be able to authenticate domain accounts. To authenticate active directory accounts you must run it as Network Service or as a domain user. If you select to run it as a user the user input fields at the bottom will appear. After you setup the service to run how you would like it to you can click the install button to install and start it. As soon as the status says running you can select the other dialogs.