Adding Robo-FTP to the Path

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We recommend that you add the Robo-FTP program installation folder to your system's Path environment variable. This allows you to launch the Robo-FTP.exe executable without specifying the full path in all of your shortcuts, batch files, Scheduled Tasks, services, or whatever method you happen to use to run your scripts. In the future, when you upgrade to the next version of Robo-FTP in a side-by-side installation, you can avoid extensive modifications by simply updating the Path environment variable.


A button on the Advanced tab of the System Properties form allows you to edit your Windows environment variables. When you edit the Path variable, be sure to insert a single semicolon character so that it appears before the Robo-FTP installation folder and after the other folder paths already listed.






Note: Be sure to use the version of the Path environment variable shared to the entire system instead of the one for an individual Windows user account.


Your system must be rebooted before changes in the environment variables will be noticed by Scheduled Tasks.



Related command(s): EXEC

See also: Using Windows environment variables, Scheduling File Transfers With Robo-FTP