General Features

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ØMulti-threaded 32-bit Windows FTP client application
ØPowerful script language for completely unattended operation
ØInstallable as a Windows service with separate service monitor applet
ØConnect to non-secure (standard) FTP sites
ØConnect to secure FTP sites (both FTP + SSH and FTP + SSL types)
ØConnect to HTTP/HTTPS sites
ØSupport for multiple types of proxy servers
ØSupport for Clear Control Channel (CCC) operation in FTP + SSL mode
ØSupport for encrypted control and encrypted control/data channels in SSL environment
ØSupport for client certificates in an SSL environment
ØSupport for password and key authentication in an SSH environment
ØBuilt-in SSH private key creation
ØBuilt-in PGP encryption, decryption, and keyring management support
ØRobo-FTP Upload Manager integrates with Windows Explorer
ØRobo-FTP script language specific text editor (named Robo-EDIT) provided for developing and editing command scripts
ØCronMaker utility to easily manage scheduling of script events associated with the CRON script command
ØSupport for Dial-Up Networking connections
ØTCP/IP connection for Internet FTP transfers via standard Winsock interface over network connections
ØSend and receive e-mail messages with SMTP and POP3 servers under script control
ØHot send feature for automatic file transmission
ØHot receive feature for automatic file retrieval
ØAbility to limit bandwidth used on uploads and downloads
ØFTP client applet for built-in, interactive FTP file transfers
ØTraverse local folders and server directories to send or receive complete directory trees
ØAutomatically delete local or FTP site files after transmission or reception
ØWrite messages directly to NT event log
ØComplete session log with date and time stamps
ØLog file management including automatic naming, maximum size limitation
ØResume incomplete/broken FTP transfers
ØASCII, binary, and EBCDIC FTP transfer methods
ØSupport for access to JES queue on IBM host (mainframe) computers
ØBuilt-in diagnostic message logging
ØMultiple simultaneous sessions from a single system
ØSupports both active mode and passive mode connections to FTP sites
ØStay alive timer to maintain FTP site connection during idle periods
ØCOM/OLE automation built-in providing a script command interface for user-written applications (sample C++ and Visual Basic projects provided)
ØSupport for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)