SFTP – Secure FTP Using SSH

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One method supported by Robo-FTP to provide secure file transfers is referred to as SFTP.


SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol and is a method of transferring files between a client and server over a secure, encrypted connection (as opposed to regular FTP, which functions over an insecure connection).


The security in SFTP comes through its integration with the SSH (or Secure Shell) protocol. SSH provides an encrypted transport layer over which the SFTP commands are executed, and over which files are transferred. Regular FTP connections usually utilize port 21 for connections, while SSH servers use port 22.


Robo-FTP supports both password and private key authentication.


Robo-FTP utilizes the OpenSSH library to provide the authentication and encryption found in the SSH protocol. More about OpenSSH may be found online at www.openssh.org.