RoboStopCommandMethod to stop a running Robo-FTP script command
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Method to cancel a pending script command from previous non-blocking RoboSendCommand().


C++ Definition

long RoboStopCommand( )


VB Definition

RoboStopCommand() As Long


C# Definition

Int RoboStopCommand( )


VB.NET Definition

RoboStopCommand() As Integer


Return Value

A numeric value indicating the success or failure of initiating the cancellation of a Robo-FTP script command.


Returns ROBO_ERROR_SUCCESS if a stop is initiated -- this does not mean the command has been stopped, rather only that the request has been successfully passed to Robo-FTP

Returns ROBO_ERROR_NO_CMD_PENDING if no script command is currently in progress that can be stopped.


See COM/OLE Return Codes for a complete list of possible return values.






The RoboStartSession() and RoboSendCommand() methods must be called prior to calling RoboStopCommand().


This method returns immediately. The Robo-FTP command may or may not terminate depending on when this method is called. The effect of calling this method is same as pressing the Esc key or clicking the Stop button when Robo-FTP is running interactively. If the command terminates, the RoboSendCommand() completion event is fired with the corresponding Robo-FTP result code.