RoboRemoveLicenseMethod to remove the Robo-FTP license
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Method to remove the Robo-FTP license. License removal would only be necessary when you wish to transfer the license from one PC to another by removing it from the current PC and then reinstalling it on a second PC. This method returns a removal code that indicates that the license has, in fact, been removed. This removal code should be supplied along with the serial number on the second PC to notify the license server that the license for this particular serial number has been removed and it is okay to activate it again.


C++ Definition

long RoboRemoveLicense( CString &bstrRemovalCode )


VB Definition

RoboRemoveLicense( RemovalCode As String ) As Long


C# Definition

long RoboRemoveLicense( ref String strRemovalCode )


VB.NET Definition

RoboRemoveLicense( RemovalCode As String ) As Integer


Return Value

A numeric value indicating the success or failure of removing the Robo-FTP license.


See COM/OLE Return Codes for a complete list of possible return values.



bstrRemovalCode / strRemovalCode / RemovalCode

A string that contains the value of the removal code upon return.



The StartSession() method must be called prior to calling RoboRemoveLicense().