GETPROPERTY - Read the value of an existing persistent name-value pair

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GETPROPERTY - Read the value of an existing persistent name-value pair



[ name ]  =  [ variable ]


[ name ]

Variable or string defining a named property


[ variable ]

A variable to store the property value retrieved from the Robo-FTP settings; the variable is created if it did not previously exist.






This command copies the value of a persistent name-value pair into a script variable. A name-value pair with a matching [ name ] must have previously been created by the SETPROPERTY command, but not necessarily in the current instance of Robo-FTP. Passing an undeclared variable or a non-existent property name to the [ name ] argument will result in an error.


In this example properties are used to compose an automatic email message:


GETPROPERTY "LastDownloadName" dl_name

GETPROPERTY "LastDownloadDate" dl_date

SET body = "The last file downloaded was " + dl_name + "."

SET body = body + "  It was transferred on " + dl_date + ".  " + %crlf

GETPROPERTY "EmailNotifyAddress" email

SET subj = "Automatic download report (do not reply)"

CREATEMAIL "" email subj body ""

SENDMAIL "" "Joe Blow" "[email protected]"


This example shows logic to gracefully detect and recover from an attempt to read the value of an undefined name-value pair:


GETPROPERTY "FileCount" files  


;; we reach this row if "FileCount" property did not already exist


SETNUM files = 0



The READFILE and WRITEFILE commands are are also available for handling persistent data; especially data that is too long to save in properties.



Related command(s):        SET, SETPROPERTY, READFILE

See also: User Settings vs. Shared Settings