RoboFTPMsgsEvent fired to provide trace information
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An event fired whenever a line of text is added to the Robo-FTP trace window. Process this event if you wish to implement something similar to Robo-FTP’s trace window in your application. The following are example lines of text delivered via this event:


Robo-FTP Client Applet v2.0.0

Locating site: ""...

Connecting to IP address ""...

Connected to "", port 21

220 Acme Widget Company FTP Server []

USER acmeftp

331 Password required for acmeftp.

PASS ********

230 User roboftp logged in.


C++ Definition

void RoboFTPMsgs( BSTR bstrFTPMessage )


VB Definition

RoboFTPMsgs( ByVal FTPMessage As String )


C# Definition

void RoboFTPMsgs( ref String strFTPMessage )


VB.NET Definition

RoboFTPMsgs( ByRef FTPMessage As String )


Return Value




bstrFTPMessage / FTPMessage

 A NULL terminated string containing one line of trace text.



The string arriving with this event will typically be less than 80 characters in length. Your handler for this event should be as brief as possible since Robo-FTP is suspended until control is returned - typically your handler should save the contents of the delivered string as appropriate and return immediately.


See also: COM Programming Reference