RoboActivateLicenseMethod to activate the Robo-FTP license
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Method to activate or reactivate the Robo-FTP license. Activation in this manner requires a live connection to the Internet. License activation is something that is only required once. Robo-FTP will run without being activated but connections to FTP sites is denied until activation is complete. Robo-FTP installs for a 30-day free trial period therefore license activation is not immediately required but should be performed as soon as possible once the product is paid for and placed into a production environment.


C++ Definition

long RoboActivateLicense( CString strSerialNumber, CString strRemovalCode )


VB Definition

RoboActivateLicense( SerialNumber As String, RemovalCode As String ) As Long


C# Definition

long RoboActivateLicense( String strSerialNumber, String strRemovalCode )


VB.NET Definition

RoboActivateLicense( SerialNumber As String, RemovalCode As String ) As Integer


Return Value

A numeric value indicating the success or failure of activating or reactivating the Robo-FTP license.


See COM/OLE Return Codes for a complete list of possible return values.



strSerialNumber / SerialNumber

A string defining the 12-digit Robo-FTP serial number.


strRemovalCode / RemovalCode

A string defining the 24-character Robo-FTP removal code. This value only required when doing a reactivation. Set to an empty string otherwise.



The RoboStartSession() method must be called prior to calling RoboActivateLicense().


Related command(s): RoboLicenseStatus, RoboRemoveLicense

See also: COM Programming Reference, Robo-FTP License Activation