External Configuration Files

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Robo-FTP provides a set of commands permitting reading information from external configuration files in the popular "INI file" format. This provides a simple way to have Robo-FTP perform operations based on external information, perhaps generated by a separate program.


The INI file format is composed of "Sections" and "Properties" like this:


[First Section]

first_property = some value

second_property = some other value

[Second Section]

first_property = some value

second_property = some other value


The file can contain an arbitrary number of sections and properties.


It is also possible for a configuration file to have properties that appear at the top of the file such that they are are not under a section heading, like this:


property_not_under_a_section = a value

[First Section]

first_property = some value

second_property = some other value

[Second Section]

first_property = some value

second_property = some other value


The file itself can be created/edited with any text editor (like Notepad) and can be stored using any file name.


You can use the CONFIGSECTIONS and CONFIGLOAD commands to load information from an external configuration file into variables in your Robo-FTP script.



See also: Arrays